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Family business for more than 40 years, CARRER DENTALAB offers its services in the provinces of Venice and Treviso. The business, known in Meolo and in the neighboring towns. It cooperates with dental practice and dental laboratories in Europe (e.g. Dentalmind TANDTECHNIEK).



new technology 

With the new CAD / CAM technology "Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)" it is possible to obtain products of the highest level, from both the  esthetic and mechanic point of view.In the dental field the zirconium oxide is the material of the latest generation , with a high percentage of resistance and translucency. Milling in our laboratory using digital technology, we can achieve excellent results and offer to dentists or other dental laboratoris safety and speed.

CARRER DENTALAB offers the following services: fixed prostheses, dentures, combined prostheses, dentures on implants, ceramic veneers, zirconia structures, zirconia abutments, monolithic crowns in highly translucent zirconia, titanium bars, titanium abutment. The works are designed and manufactured with maximum quality, modern machinery and conform to European standards.
shining 3d PRINTER  
As taken from the SHINING 3D website; the new AccuFab-D1 is a DLP 3D printer, developed specifically for use in digital dentistry. AccuFab-D1 is designed to meet the diverse needs of printing dental models, wax-ups, bite planes, surgical guides, gingival masks, individual impression trays, etc.
With the new SHINING 3D the CARRER DENTALAB laboratory has taken a further step in the digitalisation process, thus contributing to raising the quality level, but above all to keeping up with the times.

Since 9 years the CARRER DENTALAB uses CAD / CAM technology, always investing in new machines and materials. The production of structures or anatomic teeth in zirconia or lithium disilicate is completely realized internally.

The bridges and crowns are made digitally, first scanned in 3D, designed with a special software and then milled with a dry or wet milling machine.


The products realized using digital technology offer excellent results at a high speed.

The CARRER DENTALAB invested in this new technology keeping on working with the highest quality and precision. Still maintaining the same mentality, they became a "Digital" laboratory.The CAD / CAM is enables the digitalization of a physical model ( the so called master model) on which the prosthesis will be then created by Roland milling machine. Three phases of work can be identified :-SCANNING:  using the "SWING" 3D SCANNER and the structured light the physical model made of plaster can be scanned.-DESIGNING:  the planning stage is the most challenging, ranging from basic restauration, such as a simple zirconium structures with layered ceramics, to inlays / onlays, veneers and abutments.-MILLING:  after the designing step, the work is milled using  "ROLAND DWX 51D or ZIRKONZAHN M1 WET HEAVY METAL".
dSd digital smile design
Il Laboratorio odontotecnico Carrer ha introdotto oltre al CAD /CAM anche la fotografia, quest' ultima nel campo dentale è uno strumento molto importante per la documentazione dei trattamenti, specialmente in estetica.
Uno dei maggiori vantaggi della fotografia digitale è che le immagini possono essere visualizzate immediatamente e modificate in molti modi, utilizzando specifici software, come per il miglioramento della luminosità e del contrasto, il ritaglio, il cambio di colore o la saturazione, l’aggiunta di testo e simboli. Le fotografie servono inoltre da riferimento per l' odontotecnico, come determinare al meglio colore e forma del dente, i vari solchi, mammelloni, zone consumate o caratterizzazioni. Il laboratorio usa una Reflex D5200 con obiettivo macro, per l’acquisizione di immagini “close-up” del soggetto..
Il Laboratorio odontotecnico Carrer ha introdotto oltre al CAD /CAM anche la fotografia, quest' ultima nel campo dentale è uno strumento molto importante per la documentazione dei trattamenti, specialmente in estetica.
Uno dei maggiori vantaggi della fotografia digitale è che le immagini possono essere visualizzate immediatamente e modificate in molti modi, utilizzando specifici software, come per il miglioramento della luminosità e del contrasto, il ritaglio, il cambio di colore o la saturazione, l’aggiunta di testo e simboli. Le fotografie servono inoltre da riferimento per l' odontotecnico, come determinare al meglio colore e forma del dente, i vari solchi, mammelloni, zone consumate o caratterizzazioni. Il laboratorio usa una Reflex D5200 con obiettivo macro, per l’acquisizione di immagini “close-up” del soggetto..
Beside the CAD / CAM  technology, CARRER DENTALAB introduced photography, which in the dental field is a very important tool for the documentation of treatments, especially in aesthetics.One of the biggest advantages of digital photography is that images can be viewed immediately and modified using specific softwares. On digital images it is possible to change the brightness and the contrast, to crop certain regions of interest, to change color or saturation and to ad text and symbols. The photos serve also as references for the dentist, when determining the best shape of the tooth, the different grooves, the mamelons, the colors or other details. The laboratory uses a Nikon D5200 with macro lens to capture "close-up" images of the subject.
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The Dsd (Digital Smile Design) is a new digital technology, which, through Power Point or Keynote, allows the patient, to have a rendering of its future smile without having start treatment yet. Optimum for dentists and dental technicians, as it leads to better communication between the two parties, but in top of it, all the patients can get to the heart of restoration by understanding steps by steps the procedure whose going to be, having an idea of how its smile will look when the work will be finish.
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di Carrer Gianmaria & Co.


Via Norberto Bobbio  n° 12

30020 Meolo

Venice, ITALY

Tel/Fax  +39 3346080793


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COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Laboratorio odontotecnico Carrer

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