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Carrer Franco after completing the dental technician school he started to work for the dental practice Vicino.


He started his own laboratory, at first, in Monastier, then in Meolo, consolidating his professional training. Adaptable in his work, from dental ceramist to dentures developer. He continueosly keeps updated through training courses, conferences and business meetings. He attended courses with Enrico Steger and other well known dental technicians.He attended courses on ceramics with Di Pietro, Viezzi, Di Marco, Revelant, implant prosthetic courses with Dr. Di Chiara and Zamuner and gnathology courses with Duss.He also attended courses with Degussa factory and then with the dental technician Jurovich.An extensive background that ensures respect and professionalism.

Carrer Gianmaria after graduating as a dental technician in 1999 at  the dental school Giorgi, he joined his father in the LABORATORIO ODONTOTECNICO CARRER.


He has great experience in the field of dentures, gained by following many courses on characterization and production techniques.He has attended courses on dentures with Colognesi and with Bortolini (Candulur). He has also attended courses with Jurovich.He develops fixed prosthesis with the new CAD / CAM technology, and has experience in scanning, designing and milling of zirconium oxide, pmma, wax and other materials. He regularly attends training courses, such as "The method Sirona InLab in rehabilitations metalfree in fixed prosthesis" and "The complex rehabilitation solved with CAD / CAM techniques Sirona InLab".


Course with Roberto Bonfiglioli

Course with Enrico Steger

Course with Klaus Jurowich

Thirty years of Partnership with "Centro odontoiatrcio Tubia"

Twenty years of Partnership with "Studio odontoiatrico Florian"

Collaboration with a Dutch laboratory "Dentalmind Tandtechniek"

Course with Roland

Course with August Bruguera

Carrer Enrcio started as a dental technician in 2005 at his father's laboratory, like his brother.


After a short period in another laboratory (Visident) returns and becomes interested into digital technology for dental industry by attending various courses with Sirona and Nobil Metal. Ceramist, but also dentures prosthodontist, he lived in the Netherlands and worked in the laboratory Dentalmind as CAD / CAM designer, with Zirkonzahn system, and ceramist. He follows courses on digital photography in the dental industry. He has taken courses with August Bruguera, Roberto Bonfiglioli and Andrea Schiavoni and other international relator.

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